section 1. Getting started as a software developer: How to get started ; The technical skills you need to have ; How to develop technical skills ; What programming language should I learn ; Learning your first programming language ; Going to college ; Coding boot camps ; Teaching yourself -- section 2. Geting a job: Internships ; Getting a job without experience ; How to find a job ; Creating a resume ; The interview process ; Salaries and negotiation ; How to leave a job ; Switching mid-career (late entry) ; Going from QA or another technical role to development ; Contracting vs. salary ; How the recruiting industry works -- section 3. What you need to know about software development: Overview of programming languages ; What is web development? ; Back-end development ; Career in video game development ; DBAs and DevOps ; Software development methodologies ; Testing and QA basics ; Test driven development and unit testing ; Source control ; Continuous integration ; Debugging ; Maintaining code ; Jobs and job titles ; Types of work -- section 4. Working as a developer: Dealing with coworkers ; Dealing with your boss ; Working with QA ; Work/life balance ; Working on a team ; Selling your ideas ; How to dress ; Acing the review process ; Dealing with prejudice ; Being in a leadership position ; Getting a raise or promotion ; Women in tech -- section 5: Advancing your career: Creating a reputation ; Networking and groups ; Keeping your skills up to date ; Generalist vs. specialist ; Speaking and conferences ; Creating a blog ; Freelancing and starting a business ; Career paths ; Job stability and security ; Training and certifications ; Side projects ; Best books to read ; Parting words
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